My name is Ben Schmauss and I had the honor of serving with your son Justin in the Florida Tampa Mission. At the end of my mission while serving as an assistant to the president with Elder Spencer we stayed the night with Justin and his new companion and had the opportunity to go out and do some work together. I happened to have my video camera and captured a few short clips of your son. As I explained on your blog I was impressed to google Justin last night and as I read your story I was truly humbled. I believe he is working from the other side and I am grateful that your family is continuing to be instruments in the Lords and Justins hands. Thank you for your blog and the impact it had on me. I hope these 3 small clips bring some smiles to your face.
This was his comment,
I also had the opportunity of serving with Elder Huggins. I have one very specific memory of standing outside of a grocery store in the Southern Part of our mission singing hymns to everyone that walked by. I actually have some of our experience on tape. I sat up last night and while working through some thoughts I was having I felt guided to search for Elder Huggins on google. I came across this blog and my heart was touched. I was so humbled last night by your burden Sister Huggins. I was impressed to repent and begin to live life in a much fuller manner. May the spirit comfort you during this time without your son. My prayers will be with you and your family.
Ben Schmauss
FTM 2002-2004