I want to talk to you.. and you answer me. Ok. i am feeling like no one understands how i just want to hold you again. In my arms, and tell you all that has went on. Trent adopted tyler and they went to the las vegas temple, matti is at the new school, gracie is in the 4th grades. I hear songs on the radio and think oh justin would love this song, then i get mad , i am mad just, really mad. i don't know who i am mad at, but i know i am mad. I need to get over this, so i can focus on others. Someone ask me if i cry everyday, i said yes that is why i wear water proof mascara, at one point each and every day there is a smell and picture and thought comes to me, and i think of all the what if and the would haves. i want you to know how proud i am of trent and toni. they are doing really good. and tyler is big and tylie says hi dad. i don't know why i am tell you all this cuz. i am sure you know.but i love you and go giv'em heaven love you mom.